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  • lauries85

Wellness Fair - Portage la Prairie

At Aspire Dental Centre - Portage La Prairie, we were pleased to have the opportunity to serve our community at the Wellness Fair at Fort La Reine School in November.   

We enjoyed the chance to teach 3 ½ year old children and their parents healthy brushing habits and techniques.  Brushing at this age can be tricky.  Most parents give their child assistance and then let them finish up brushing.  We were able to share with the kids the importance of brushing the bacteria or “sugar bugs” off.   Learning to brush at an early age is important in so many ways. Spending time to talk about the importance of brushing and some of the benefits like healthy teeth help you chew your food to grow big and strong, to helping you speak, to giving you that beautiful smile.  

Brushing teeth at a young age is a necessary life skill and is a great habit to start.  We found most kids this age love stickers so putting a sticker on a diary chart after each brushing was one way to encourage them to brush.  By brushing twice a day and making it a routine, in addition to seeing your Dentist on a regular basis you are setting up a foundation that will last your child a lifetime.


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